AESA Concerebce Submit Abstract

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The International Science and Football Association (ISAFA) is a dedicated professional society committed to advancing the scientific understanding of football on a global scale. ISAFA is headquartered in the United Kingdom and maintains a collaborative partnership with Qatar University.

AESA and ISAFA are partner now!

Exciting news! The Association of Exercise Science and Athletics (AESA) has recently joined forces with ISAFA. We are relentlessly striving to forge connections with vast networks of sports science communities worldwide. We extend a warm invitation to all professional societies in the fields of fitness and sports science to join hands with us in this endeavor.

Visit ISAFA's website at to learn more about our mission and initiatives. Together, we can elevate the science of football to new heights!

Date: 11 January 2016

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"AESA, the Association for International Education and Knowledge Sharing, is a non-profit organization established in 2012."

