AESA Concerebce Submit Abstract

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MSA Conference 2017- Budva

The International Conference on Sport Performance took place from March 30th to April 2nd, 2017, in the picturesque setting of Budva, Montenegro. This event saw the enthusiastic participation of hundreds of researchers from around the globe, coming together to exchange insights and knowledge in the field of sports performance.

The conference owed its success to the collaborative efforts of the Montenegrin Sports Academy and UCG University, who served as its dedicated organizers. Notably, the Association of Exercise Science and Athletics (AESA) also played a pivotal role as a partner in this event.

AESA extends its heartfelt congratulations to Professor Duško Bjelica, the esteemed President of the conference, and Dr. Stevo Popović, the Chair of the Scientific Committee, for their outstanding contributions in making this conference a resounding success. Their dedication and leadership greatly enriched the experience for all participants, and we look forward to more fruitful collaborations in the future.

 Invited Speakers:

Assoc. Prof. Marko Stojanovic, PhD,

Prof., Dr. Robert C. Schneider

Dr. Ali Reza AMANI, PhD

Dr. Ines Varela-Silva, PhD


Goran Sasic

Dr. Narcis Gusi


Conference Website:

News Date: 11 April 2017

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"AESA, the Association for International Education and Knowledge Sharing, is a non-profit organization established in 2012."

